Czech beer traditions

Czech Republic is not among the countries that sophisticated gastronomic tourists dream of. Rather, they are coming for burgundy grape snails or Japanese fish Fugu. But, having been once in a real Czech tavern or a beer, tasted the dish of national cuisine and drinking a glass-other cold freshly brewed beer, it is surprised that local cuisine deserves a thorough study.

Czechs beer - everything is head, and this is not an exaggeration. Beer here and the most important ingredient for many dishes - from it is prepared by Clar and Marinada, traditional beer goulash, original beer soup with tmin and breadcrumbs, - and an excellent addition to hearty meat dishes, which in the Czech Republic on a special account, and even the main dish, for the sake of which everyone is going at the table.

Strict rules of beer etiquette - which beer varieties with what dishes is used - perhaps, no. But in general, it is believed that bright beer is well suited to dinner, it is willing to choose it and to a light snack, especially in the warm season. To a bright or bright unfiltered - such that akin to the Zatecky Gus Domaci Z Taverny (Zatecky Gus Domaci Z Taverny) - Czech Republic serves traditional snacks, which are always abundant in any self-respecting institution. All this is very tasty, and most importantly - quickly preparing, which is especially good when you want to quench your thirst and snack slightly.

To the hot meat dishes, which are so rich in Czech cuisine, usually choose more dense and saturated varieties of dark beer like beer Zatecky Gus Cerny. To the rich taste of this beer, his velvet aroma of Rough Hmel can recommend the grilled sausages with Krenem (VLTAVSKY UTOPENEC). Czechs are generally distinguished by rare love for meat, so there was no shortage in choosing dishes to the dark beer here. Stew pork, hot chopped meat rolls, gentle roast roast, crisp roasted rabbit, dozens of smoked samples - menu is replete with meat tits. The most popular - baked pork with gravy and pork steering wheel (pecene veprove koleno) - baked knee on the bone, which is usually served on a wooden board with a horseradish and mustard.

In addition to popular bright and dark varieties of beer in the Czech Republic, many exotic varieties. Slightly in every beer is boiled your home beer variety on your own recipe. Viches, sun beds, porters, wheat, yeast - and each variety has its own varieties. Sunbed, for example, may be raspberry or corn. Experts recommend not to interrupt the taste of such an unusual beer of food and taste it without any snack. Even if you have the opportunity to have a choice in favor of taverns and beers while traveling around the Czech Republic.

Here reigns the Cross Spirit of the celebration of life, there are correct beer, and food is served with heat with heat. Grilled squalls duck on a hot frying pan, steam clubs raised over steamed cabbage, and from under the lid of the clay pot comes the fragrance of fragrant roast. Is it possible to exchange this satisfying home meal with a glass of cold freshly brewed beer on Bohemian porcelain, starchy tablecloths and twisted before grams of portions! Играйте на официальном сайте nvuti и заработайте много денег!

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