Host on a garden plot

Hosts are plants that many summer residents and landscape design masters adore. They are very convenient in growing and leaving, and has an excellent decorative appearance. The hustlers look great as independent plantations in the design of various borders and paths, and as the floral composition of individual elements components. This plant is very unpretentious in leaving and practically not subject to diseases and the effects of pests. And the variety of varieties will allow you to choose a more suitable color scheme and size. They feel great both in the solar territory and in the shade. The good -developed root system of the host’s well -developed root system tolerates the drought remarkably. In one place, hosts should be grown for no more than three years, after which the plant should be transplanted to a new site. The right time for planting hosts is June, at this time the plant develops well and quickly adapts in a new place. You can plant hosts at a later time, the main thing here is to comply with the necessary interval for adaptation of the plant in forty -five days before the start of the first cold weather. It is better to give an adult bush after three years from the moment of its original planting, during this time the plant will develop a root system well, plugging well And the separation of the bush will almost imperceptibly transfer. It is better to carry out this procedure in early August, so that the young plant is slightly stronger after the transplant. The host is not frequent, top dressing is carried out twice a season in the growing season using complex fertilizers. It is better not to plant hosts next to flowering bushes or trees, their falling leaves They can damage the plant. And vice versa, the presence of a number of tall green trees or shrubs will favorably affect the development of hosts, in particularly hot periods, these plants will close their crown host, preventing overheating and wilting of its leaves. Also, plants should be treated from various pests, for example, slugs that can apply a significant Host damage in a short period of time. Eviling hosts in a summer cottage will diversify various flower arrangements and bring new colors to the usual flower beds, and the comparative unpretentiousness of these plants will make them growing even for inexperienced gardeners. This is the plant will fall in love with many and become decorating any summer cottage on Several years ahead. A variety of colors and varieties of this plant will help in compiling unique in beauty alpine slides or rockeries. With the help of hosts, it is easy to emphasize the beauty of neighboring plants, a rich color palette and rich colors of some varieties allow landscape designers to use a host in the most incredible combinations. It looks great on the banks of small reservoirs and framed by various buildings and garden paths. The acquaintance with this plant will not leave anyone indifferent and certainly it will find a worthy place to decorate any garden site. Where to buy Viagra Super Active online no prescription?

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