Quick tips to support beard growth. headandbeard.eu

Quick tips to support beard growth. headandbeard.eu

We have discussed the reasons for alopecia, weak growth or hair and beard, and even the factors that may impact some problem areas with your inability to grow healthy and long hair.

Today we would like to introduce the quick tips or life hacks, if you wish, on how to keep your beard look tidy and thick. Yes, buddy, it is time to share some secrets. By the way, if you have something to add, you are welcome to contact Head & Beard experts. Give us some feedback and we will start a new topic for discussion.

  • First, remember: it is more than enough to comb your hair three to four times a day. This is enough for your beard to look neat. Plus, make sure to use proper tools. It may sound weird at some point but not every comb or hair brush fits the beard. Do not go for cheap plastic hair brushes. They often pull out many hairs. It is better to invest in a high quality handmade comb, which can be a little more expensive to buy, but will save your money in the long run. 
  • Properly wash your beard. Man, this applies both to the way you wash the hair and the shampoo you use for it. Think about specific shampoo. Progress does not stand still, and so does the Head & Beard company. Check out our shampoo to stimulate hair and beard growth. Help your hair.
  • Many of us do it unconsciously but pulling your hair is not good. This way you damage hair follicles. As a result, your hair does not grow as thick and voluminous as you want.
  • Finally, if you still have troubles while growing a beard, consider hair transplantation. For the record, this option is available for our clients. Since Head & Beard works with the best clinics in Istanbul, we may help you, guys, to fill the application form and speed up the hair growing process. Free consultation is provided. We almost forgot to mention that it is recommended to use stimulating hair care tools to get the maximum effect. For example, Starter is one of them.

Do not let any obstacle ruin your dream of having a nice and well-groomed beard. The more you care, the more successful you are. Believe us, this motto applies to everything in our life.   

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