BrunchRating: 4/5Richmond

White Spot (No.3 Road)- Hasbrowns?? No. SMASHBROWNS.

Before Trixie left for Hong Kong, we decided to meet for brunch to catch up on some girl talk. Since she was going to be in Asia for a long time, she wanted something western and Canadian for brunch…Thus, we chose White Spot.

I ordered the Sante Fe Breakfast Burrito ($10.99) and chose the tender Canadian pulled pork as my filling. The burrito had omega 3 eggs, cheese, sauteed tomatoes, and green peppers wrapped in a whole wheat tortilla. It also came with a side of ‘smashbrowns’. Not hashbrowns! ‘Smash’browns. More on that later…

The pulled pork exceeded my expectations with its depth of flavour.

Trixie ordered the Toasted Shrimp Sandwich and it came with little baby shrimps, lettuce, mayo, and their special chili sauce on multigrain bread. 

Everytime we come to White Spot, we HAVE to order the toasted shrimp sandwich to share because we always find it refreshing and delicious.

As for the smashbrowns, I don’t know when they introduced these babies, but am I glad they did. It essentially is a red nugget potato, smashed really flat until the sides are crisp. These were absolutely delicious and I actually prefer these over regular hashbrowns.

Lastly, we shared a Berry Smoothie which claimed to have blueberries and fresh strawberries blended with creamy yogurt and blueberry juice. I couldn’t really taste the yogurt so it was more of a blueberry slush to me.

Service Rating: 3.5/5
Food Rating: 4/5
Price: $$ ($10-20)

Overall Rating: 4/5

Happy Eating!

courtesy of

White Spot (Richmond Centre) on Urbanspoon

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