Easy Chocolate Tofu Quinoa Cake Recipe- Vegan and Low Fat
Listen up guys. I’m going to share a secret recipe with you that I’ve had for almost 10 years but have never revealed. It is RIDICULOUSLY easy. And healthy. All you need are 3 ingredients. You heard that right.
1) Box of Chocolate Cake Mix (doesn’t matter what kind, I’ve tried every kind there is)
2) One Package of Dessert Tofu
3) One Cup of Cooked Quinoa (you can omit this- measurements of the other ingredients will remain the same)
4) 1/4 Cup of Water (I didn’t really count water as an ‘ingredient’)
That’s it! See? I told you it was super easy!
I cooked by quinoa in a rice cooker and it always works out fine. Half a cup of uncooked quinoa will yield approximately one cup of cooked quinoa.
I just used a standard 9 inch round cake pan and lined the bottom with parchment paper to ensure easy removal after baking.
I used to do this by hand but I have come to realize what a waste of time that is since I had a blender that could have done the work for me! Just dump your dessert tofu, quarter cup of water, and cooked quinoa and blend in a blender until there are no longer any large chunks of quinoa. Don’t blend it for too long however as it might deflate your overall product.
Follow the baking instructions on the back of the cake mix box but I just put the cake in the oven for about 20 minutes and it came out like this! All perfect and chocolatey looking… and summoning me to have a taste.
The finished product is a delicious, moist, reduced calorie, low fat, vegan chocolate cake with added dietary fiber from the quinoa. Dessert tofu is used to substitute oil and eggs which makes this dessert virtually guilt free!!
Here are some hard facts for those people who want proof in ‘numbers’.
‘Chocolate Tofu Quinoa Cake’ as compared to ‘Chocolate Cake made with Eggs and Oil’
- Cholesterol free
- 12% calorie reduction
- 71% fat reduction
- 25% saturated fat reduction
- 2% increase in iron and calcium
I hope you enjoyed this post and as always…
Happy (and Healthy) Eating!!

courtesy of http://www.memecenter.com/fun/647954/eating-healthy
Wow this is great! I should make this for my birthday 😀