We choose what to bet on in a bookmaker's office. Instruction for beginners

Many people who are into sports as fans have the illusory notion that predicting the results of competitions, games, matches is not that difficult. Why not take advantage of the available legal bookmaker services and make money without much effort? But in fact, most beginners quickly drain their bank in a bookmaker's office, get disappointed and give up the business. And this is at best, because those who rush desperately to win back, lose even larger amounts. Very often this is due to a wrong choice of events for betting. About how to make the right choice, we will tell in this article.

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Choosing a sport for betting

To begin with, you need to decide on one or more sports that you will be betting on regularly. One of the serious temptations a beginner faces, when getting on a betting site, is a long line. It consists of dozens of types and thousands of events! How can you not try your luck in the most diverse of them? But tossing between sports is a direct way to lose. There is no need to rush and make a lot of bets, hoping for luck. To begin with, it is necessary to take the choice of priority species seriously. Here it is advisable to be guided by the following advice.

1. The main thing: understand the sport on which you are betting.

As clichéd as it sounds, the basic advice is exactly that. For successful betting, it is necessary to know in detail the chosen sport. This means more than just being a passionate fan. Here it is necessary:

  • Study in detail the rules, regulations of the competitions;
  • Know the periodicity of the matches, the calendar, seasonality;
  • Learn to navigate the tournament motivation of athletes or teams;
  • To know regularly the information given in the press, on specialized resources;
  • Know the relative strength of clubs and the skills of individual players.

This is only a general list of knowledge needed, but every sport has its own nuances, innovations, new stars appear all the time, and the physical shape of athletes and teams changes.

Successful betting requires complete immersion in a particular sport. Moreover, it is advisable to choose not just a sport, such as soccer, but one or more championships. This will allow for maximum coverage of the array of information useful for betting choices. For fans of betting on soccer matches, we have compiled our ranking of bookmakers for betting on soccer.

2. There is no need to disperse into many types, competitions, matches.

The specificity of modern bookmaking is that the line offers events from all over the world. This means it is possible to bet literally around the clock. Often beginner bettors get real betting fever, which invariably leads to a loss of money. They want to make one bet after another, to win more, and not to stop at what they have achieved. This leads to nothing good.

There is only one way to success: you must control your excitement and clearly determine the daily or weekly rate of betting. If there are no suitable events in your chosen championships today, it's better to skip the day. This will save you from disappointing losses.

3. Availability of information: an important factor for the bettor

When choosing a sport or championship, it is important to be able to get a lot of information about upcoming events. This does not only mean statistical data, which is available on specialized resources. It is important to read analytics, interviews with coaches and athletes, expert articles, etc. Often it is the awareness of some incoming nuances that gives an opportunity to make a good bet with good odds.

How to the Orient in Bookmaker odds

With experience you will surely begin to appreciate every tenth and hundredth in the betting odds. Exactly on them you will be in the plus or minus after a certain amount of bets, among which there will definitely be losing bets, because you cannot win always. To make a profit at a distance, it is important not only to be a good forecaster, but also to find favorable odds.

Some basic tips can be given to begin with:

  • Do not be guided by low odds (markets with values of 1.01-1.3 is better not to use in strategic betting);
  • It is reasonable to aim at odds of 1.6-2.1;
  • it is important to track the movement of odds on the markets of interest (an increase or decrease may show trends affecting the future result);
  • applying this or that betting strategy, it is necessary to find odds that meet all the conditions of its profitability.
  • Independent search of the suitable markets can be very difficult, especially for beginners. But here, a substantial help is available in our Match Center. We automatically analyze the odds offered in Russian legal betting companies and display the best options.

To use the best odds, you can choose two ways. The first is to register at several betting shops. Using the data from our Match Center, you can move at any time to a betting house, which offers the highest multiplier for a particular market.

The second variant will suit those who prefer to use services of one BK. Here you need to choose a sport in advance and register with the bookmaker, which offers the best lineup, coverage and odds. The reviews of the legal Russian bookmakers and ratings compiled by our experts will help you in this choice.


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