AYCERating: 4.5/5

The Buffet (Wynn)- Amazing Dessert Selection and Fantastic Creme Brulee

Since I’m writing about Vegas, I might as well do a post on “The Buffet” at Wynn Hotel. This buffet
was expensive
(~$40 US)
but completely worth it. I’d go back again and again… if I had the luxury of coming
back to Vegas again and again LOL.

Here’s the menu. They really should have listed what
desserts they have because that is the main attraction of this buffet. Cupcake
recommended Trixie, Dirtygirl, Rae, and I to check out this buffet because he
went to Vegas a month prior and was blown away by their
Crème Brulee. He said it was the best Creme Brulee he’s ever had.

The dining area is split into two sections. This section is farther
from the food but you get to be surrounded by absolutely beautiful flower
arrangements. It feels very whimsical.

As for our group, we were seated at a table in the other
section. Maybe our lack of self control during dinner was because we were so
close to the food. Especially the desserts… the delicious, mouth-watering
desserts… I ended up having four or five of the crème brulee because darn
Cupcake was right. X.X

So starting now, it’s going to be more of a food porn look book.
I have way too many photos to explain what each individual item is. Plus, I do
not remember the names of these items, so I’ll just give a few comments here or
there about what was good and what wasn’t. 😛 These pictures were taken by all four of us, so courtesy to them!

They have little salad cups and they were a great way to start off the meal.

The shrimp were very large and plump. The smoked salmon was fresh as well.

The bread and pesto thing wasn’t very good. I remember it looked really cool from the “Italian” section but it fell short of my expectations. The Waldorf salad (I believe) was good.

Alaskan King Crab!!! I ate a billion of these. Thumbs up.

The prime rib was executed perfectly. I absolutely would recommend “The Buffet” if you like prime rib at buffets.

They had Asian steamed vegetables. 😀

This is made-to-order. I forgot what this was but it was pretty good. Not great though.

The triangle piece of puff pastry is from this seafood or chicken pot pie. It was alright. I remember the risotto and gnocchi to be quite good.

Oh they had Naan bread and curry which I thought was pretty cool! This buffet had so much variety, it’s impossible to try everything.

So now for the desserts! One piece of advice, save room for dessert!! Especially if you like creme brulee.

Candied apples, Nanaimo bars, Cream puffs….

So first up, this is a bird’s eye view of what we got for the first round…of dessert. Us girls decided to split this among everyone so we can each have a taste of everything.

They had an array of mini cupcakes that were too hard (and cute) to resist.

The Mint Chocolate dessert in the front was BAD. Tasted like toothpaste.

The coffee ice-cream was really tasty. The carrot cake behind it was not very good and tasted kind of artificial. The kiwi/pineapple dessert shot was sooooo good!! 

The coconut ice-cream at the back was so good… All of their ice-cream flavours are actually wonderful so don’t forget to get these!

I forgot what flavour this was but I remember it being very good.

Marshmallow pops! Aren’t they just the cutest?!

They have made-to-order crepes at the dessert station! We asked the chef to surprise us and he made us an AMAZING strawberry chocolate dessert crepe with strawberry sorbet inside. This crepe was our second one and I think he added cooked pears, coconut sorbet, and something else inside.

Creme brulee and warm brownie. Both are great but the creme brulee pwns all!!!! I can’t wait to go back to “The Buffet” again just for the creme brulee.

Service Rating: 4/5
Food Rating: 4.5/5
Price: $$$$

Overall Rating: 4.5/5

Happy Eating!

Buffet (Wynn) on Urbanspoon

6 thoughts on “The Buffet (Wynn)- Amazing Dessert Selection and Fantastic Creme Brulee

  • It is said women have a second stomach just for dessert. This just confirms it! 😉

  • great post
    im taking my folks to Vegas
    and was planning to try this buffet

    do they have raw oysters?

  • @KimHo: so true!! Sometimes I shock myself at the amount I eat LOLL Sadly, the pictures I posted only had 3/4 of what we ate!

    @DL: nope sadly no raw oysters. If you are looking for a buffet with raw oysters I do know Vegas has a seafood buffet somewhere but I forgot the name!

  • And what were you doing in Vegas? 😉
    I'm so jealous, I won't have any vacation for at least another 6 months. I get so mad when I see those cheap cheap Vegas airfare/hotel deals 😛
    The creme brulee and brownie both look amazing, and so do the rest of the desserts. And pre-cut Alaskan king crab!! Perfect for lazy people like me 😀

  • Oh I forgot to mention in my last comment, love those random pictures at the very end of all your posts. Some of them are really cute 😛

  • Hahaha I ate SO much in Vegas it was crazy LOL Imagine trying to go party at night with a nice dress and a full big belly. 😛 That's me alright!

    I totally get what you mean! Seeing those crazy deals make me so sad because I can't go 🙁

    When you do have a chance to go to Vegas though, definitely check this buffet out! 😀 I bet you'll like it.

    And thank you! I'm glad people actually look at the random photos I post at the end!


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