BreakfastHealthyMain DishRecipes

Organic Matcha Hemp Protein Pancake Recipe

Recently I watched a Blogilates video on protein pancakes and decided it was my time to give it a try!
I used her recipe as a guideline but changed up some of the ingredients to give it a bit more flavour and pazazz.
Organic Matcha Hemp Protein Pancake (Rich in Protein, Low Carb, Rich in Fiber)

1 scoop of Whey Protein (I used Vanilla North Coast Natural Hemp Protein Powder)
1/2 cup of unprocessed oats
1 whole egg
2 tbsp almond milk
1 tbsp fat free Greek yogurt
dash of cinnamon
2 Tbsp of matcha powder (I used Kiss Me Organics: Matcha Green Tea Powder)
1/2 tbsp of baking powder


Hemp Protein (see info) is good choice for vegans (not that I’m a vegan) because it not only is high in fiber but it also contains immune enhancing properties and kidney-protective effects.

1) Grind the oats in a Nutri Bullet or normal blender (Hamilton Beach blender is a great inexpensive but durable one) but  until it’s smooth like powder. You just made simple oat flour!

It looks like this when it’s all grounded.

2) Add the protein powder, egg, cinnamon, almond milk, baking powder, and greek yogurt.

3) Mix, mix, mix… and it’ll look something like this!

Bring your pan to a medium high heat and spray a bit of oil on it. I was able to make four large protein pancakes with this batter.

Once the edges turn a little brown and you see a few bubbles pop on top, that’s when you know it’s good to flip.


To top my pancakes with a bit of sweetness, I heated up a tablespoon of Coca Almond Spread from Trader Joes and a handful of fresh raspberries.



Boy was this yummy. Not only do you get to eat pancakes for brunch, it’s completely void of butter, white processed flour, and white sugar! It’s a win win situation.

Happy Eating!

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